The Everyday Cognition Lab

Led by Dr Gillian Murphy, the Everyday Cognition Lab is a research group based in the School of Applied Psychology at University College Cork, Ireland.  

We primarily use experimental research methods to examine how cognition works in our day to day lives, as well as how cognition interacts with emerging technologies. We're interested in topics like false memories, eyewitness memory, recovered memories of abuse, inattentional blindness, misinformation and conspiracy theories, and the epistemic threats of emerging technologies. 

Many members of our lab are also members of Lero, the Research Ireland Centre for Software. We have received funding from the Irish Research Council, Science Foundation Ireland, Health Research Board, and the Royal Irish Academy. We've also been funded by community partners like Breakthrough Cancer Research and the Irish Cancer Society and industry partners like Google and Liberty Insurance. 

Learn more about our group:

Learn more about our lab members and collaborators.

Updates on our current research interests and ongoing projects.

Interested in working with us? Find out more here.